Directory Listing

List your services, events, businesses and resources
  • Enter the zip code where you’re offering services, events, business, or resources.
  • If it’s a specific location customers visit, add zip codes within one mile of the location.
  • Create, edit, publish, pause, and manage your listing anytime.
  • Directory listings: Free for nonprofits.
  • Small business, services, and other directory listings, the first category and first zip code are included in the base listing price of $1.00 per month. Additional zip codes and categories are 20 cents and 50 cents each.
  • First trial month for directory listings is free. Cost is never an issue. If your small business can’t afford a listing, contact us.
  • Directory listings are limited to 3 categories and 10 zip codes to ensure our platform remains focused on supporting local, small-scale businesses and services, and to prevent large corporations from dominating listings.

Bronze Listing – $1/month

  • Full page listing with title, image, description and a link to your website
  • Displayed in the directory list with title and short description

Silver Listing – $2.99/month

  • Full page listing with title, image, description and a link to your website
  • Displayed in the directory list with title, image and short description
  • Sorted above Bronze
  • 12 event credits per month

Gold Listing – $7.99/month

  • Full page listing with title, image, description and a link to your website
  • Displayed in the directory list with title, image and full description
  • Sorted above Bronze & Silver
  • 24 event credits per month
  • Listing glow & super supporter badge

Resources & Nonprofit Listing – Free

  • Full page listing with title, image, description and a link to your website
  • Displayed in the directory list with title and short description
  • For free resources, nonprofits or other free help only